Chris Strunck

Phase 2 // day 09

A composition made of 12 elements was created from a new strategy and all data of phase 2 was gathered on an A1 poster for a pin-up session at Tuesday 15. of February. The poster will inform about the new strategy and the experiments made with the 12 element scale model in the wind tunnel.  Other experiments not mentioned on this blog will appear on this poster too (click below to view poster).






Phase 2 // day 08

Due to a reserved wind tunnel no experiments was executed today. Instead some suggestions for simple element joins for an orthogonal model were made and illustrated below.





Phase 2 // day 07

We were now to come up with our own composition based on a strategy for the wind flow. The composition had to include 8 elements, and at least 6 of those should be connected.

One of my strategies was to accumulate as much wind over a certain axis as possible. To do that I created funnel elements witch led the wind over a specific axis in the middle of one of the angled funnels.

Illustrated below is the composition seen in elevation and thereafter in plane.






Phase 2 // day 06

Phase 2 was introduced and our observations moved from 2 dimensions to 3 dimensional data collection in a wind tunnel constructed for this project. First some experiments run in phase 1 were run over again to compare the results and to get an introduction to the data collection in 3 dimensions.

Actually the data collected from these experiments was comparable to those made in phase 1. Show below is illustrations of the collected data from the wind tunnel.






Phase 1 // day 05

Today the fourth and last wall element was added to the system, and for the first time, I was to come up with an arrangement of my own.

Different drag conditions were observed and once again a hole appeared behind the elements of the system.  This seems a little strange, and could have something to do with airflow over the top of the wall elements.

More circulating airflow was also observed, during a configuration of my own. The system consists of four elements, but it seems that mainly three of those take part in controlling the airflow.

An A1 poster was created to show the development and experiments to my fellow students. The poster will be displayed at a pin-up session Tuesday the 8. of February 2011. A more exact presentation of day 5´s work is also a part of the poster (Click to view the poster).

Phase 01_PosterWEB


Phase 1 // Day 4

A third wall element was added to the system and the sequence of experiments continued as a rational extension of the ones made on day 3.

The experiment below shows additional experimental work with circulating airflows (Click to view animation).

This third wall element brought back symmetry to the system, and shown below is an arrangement, where two streams of circulating air is possible, if the experiment is carried out perfectly symmetric.

Wall element was for the first time, orientated with an angle of 45 digress on the central axis.  The airflows now became more complex, and more dynamic. Smaller changes to the system, made drastic chances to the airflow. Again circulating airflows was observed.


Phase 1 // day 03

The sequence of experiments continued, although some changes were made to the system. An air filter was added and the cameras recordings were remotely controlled by a computer. Due to these changes the result from yesterday can and will not be compared to those of today and forthcoming.

The system became a little more complex, adding another wall element, but the experiments are still run under constant airflow and speed. The extra wall element, added the relationship between elements as a variable in the system. Output from experimenting with the relationship between wall elements is shown below.

Moving wall elements in both 2dimentional directions showed a circulating airflow in one of the studies (Click to show animation).

Graphic illustrations are made with an equal time interval, making them comparable, and illustrating the linear progress.


Phase 1 // day 02

The Architectural Studio started with a sequence of systematic experiments, creating a knowledge and insight about airflow and its influence on systems.

Simple experiments run under constant airflow and speed, was conducted this first day of experimenting. The orientation and the arrangement of wall elements became the variables of a system, consisting of a hairdryer, salt, wall elements and an underlying mat (Click to show animation).

See Christian Malte Iversens blogcontribution (2011-02-02) for an airflow diagram matching the above-shown experiment. Illustrations shown below can be seen as digital pictures taken with an extreme low shutter speed.

One thought on “Chris Strunck

  1. Looks good Chris. I like your comparison of the different distances between the two parallel walls.

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